Some Finished Kodu Games

I frequently find myself creating new games in Kodu, either at home or in school to demonstrate key concepts and I often end up leaving my games about 90% complete and don’t often go back to actually finish them off! I had three such games that I had started at various points in the last few months and have now taken the time to actually finish them! I thought I would share them with you, feel free to pick them apart to see how they work, improve upon etc. . .

Here they are:


 5-a-side Football

 Mario Meets Kodu

Gameplay instructions are in the world description of each game. Click on the Kodu icons to download each game.

My Kodu Top 5 Wish List

I have been pondering recently whether Kodu can get any better. Many of you know I am a HUGE fan of the software and, although I think the software is already pretty awesome, there are a few features I would like to see included at a later date:

  1. Mobile Version – Now I’m not suggesting that we should be able to create Kodu games on mobile phones as I think this could prove tedious and fiddly, however it would be great if there was a game viewer for Windows Phone 7 so you could play the games you’ve made on your mobile phone.
  2. Human Characters – Kodu has a great range of characters available, but I think it could benefit with human-like characters in addition, this would be particularly helpful if my students wish to re-create a specific story (perhaps in English or History lessons). Maybe with the ability to define skin and hair colour and length too. I wouldn’t want too many customisable features, though, as I fear my students would spend too long designing characters before moving onto programming!
  3. Raining Clouds – This is a suggestion that came from one of the primary school children I have been working with. It would be great if the clouds in the world  could actually generate water and for this to fill up the area below.
  4. Programmable Friction – I know you can change the friction of a character or object in the settings but to be able to change this within the programming would be really useful, that way you can define how the character moves depending on the type of flooring on which they are standing.
  5. Ask Tiles – It would be great to have an easy way to ask a question and for the correct answers to be stored. I envisage this working a little like the “Say” tiles currently do, except with an extra box where you can store possible answers to the question, along with which one is correct. This could possibly allow up to four different answers (A, B, X and Y). I made a question and answer project a little while ago, and having a built-in way of doing this would be a great asset in education, allowing children to easily make a quiz game on any topic they like.

If you have any other suggestions of future enhancements to Kodu, please post ideas in the comments below!

Microsoft European Forum 2012 in Lisbon

Following the UK Forum back in November, as one of the UK finalists I had the honour and privilege of being invited to the European Forum last week in Lisbon along with the rest of team GB, being Ray Chambers, Katie Boothman and Lindsay Purdon. It is difficult to know where to start with this blog post as I have seen and done so much during the week so I’ll break it down day-by-day.

Day 1 – 20th March

The day began with us frantically preparing our stands ready for the judging of our projects to begin. Once they were set up it was straight into the opening of the forum and keynote speech by Anthony Salcito who gave an interesting talk about the information age we are living in and changes for the future, we then learnt about some free tools from Microsoft that can be used to enhance learning in school, links to these are as follows:

  • Chronozoom – Zoom in and out of an interactive timeline.
  • Montage – Allows you to create a visual album of the web on topics of interest.
  • Socl – Social networking and searching mixed together to enable students to share interesting web pages.
  • – Allows you to create Word, Excel and PDF documents for free online and share them on Facebook.
  • Digital narratives – Video narratives that are interactive.

After this I met with one of my judges to tell them about my project, following this and lunch we had the opportunity to choose our own workshops:

SHOUT (Mandeep Atwal)- Which is a global education initiative offering webinars and projects for both educators and students, Mandeep talked about their current focus being water, inviting other educators to get involved with projects in their schools. For more information check out their website here.

Innovative Teaching (Kirsten Panton), Kirsten talked about the role computers play in teaching.

Engaging Students (Gareth Ritter),  I found Gareth’s talk very inspiring as he talked about yet more free software from Microsoft, being Microsoft Learning Suite, which includes all of their free software for education. Gareth mentioned two in particular being, Songsmith which allows students to create backing tracks for songs and Cliplets, which allows you to freeze part of a video while keeping another section moving.

Gareth also mentioned the use of Kinect in the classroom, in particular the work carried out by the K-Team, metioning Ray Chambers and David Renton. He also very kindly mentioned the work I have been doing with Kodu.

Following the workshops we were given a plenary to the day by Stuart Ball and Ben Nizzar from Microsoft, talking about the use of Office tools within the classroom. Firstly there was the Math worksheet generator which is a maths add in for Word that automatically creates maths work sheets once you input a type of question you want to use. Microsoft Mathematics is another free tool that gives you the functionality of a scientific calculator on your computer as well as the ability to plot graphs.

Ben also talked about the use of Smart Art in Office software to display information in a more visually appealing way and also the use of references in Word to create and format a bibliography.

Ben then showed us how to use Presenter mode in PowerPoint so you can view your notes at the same time as showing your presentation, which I know will come in very handy (embarrassed to admit I didn’t realise this existed!)

We were then introduced to Mouse Mischief, this allows you to create a quiz within PowerPoint and have multiple mice connected for the children to use to answer the questions.

The next fantastic free tool that I am eager to try is Ribbon Hero which is an interactive game that teaches children to use Office tools but in a fun and intuitive way. I am looking forward to trying this with Year 7 in my school and maybe run it as a competition between them.

Finally from Ben we were given a preview of Windows 8 which has looks superb, with a visually appealing interface designed around using a table. I downloaded the consumer preview to try on my net-book and have to say I’m very impressed. The final release is due in the Autumn.

Stuart then took us through the use of OneNote as  “a digital piece of paper” used to display a project, write, type and record voice and video. It even allows you to search within audio, I’ve been a fan of OneNote for a long time but haven’t used it with the students in my class, I’m hoping to now turn it into an interactive project folder with my Year 8 class and may even try audio marking!

Day 2 – 21st March

Day 2 began with a fantastic key note speech from Bruce Dixon from ideasLAB who talked about innovation in education along with the use of technology, used correctly, in the classroom.

Following Bruce was the inspiring duo of Liv Arnesen and Ann Bancroft who were the first women to conquer the poles, in 1991 Liv became the first woman to ever ski solo to the South Pole and in 1986 Ann dogsledded 1,000 miles from Canada to the North Pole. They talked about the expedition they are running in 2012 which will see a group of eight women, representing each continent, take an 800 mile expedition to the South Pole. They are hoping to unite 2 million classrooms in following the expedition. For more information check out their website and follow them on Facebook

Following the keynote speeches we then had another morning of judging before visiting a school in Lisbon, the school itself was beautiful and a particularly interesting feature of the school was that on Wednesday afternoon’s students finish early and are given the opportunity to join extra-curricular sessions, for example we saw a robotics activity and “Amazing Maths”.

Day 3 – 22nd March

On the final day we had a slightly easier start, which began with a morning of sight-seeing. Looking after team GB was Stuart Ball from Microsoft and Gareth Ritter, last year’s winner.  We began our excursion with a trip along the river and a ride on the cable cars, followed by a visit to the aquarium which was huge! I made an autocollage of our outing below:

The final closing keynote was delivered by a previous winner, Rui Lima who talked about being equipped for the classroom, one interesting point for me was his use of Kodu, and children creating videos to teach others how to use various features of Kodu.

The event closed with the Gala Dinner in the evening and it was quite a novelty to arrive onto a red carpet at the beautiful Convento do Beato, one of the largest convents in Lisbon. Following a three-course meal the awards were given out and presented. The UK had one winner, Katie Boothman, who won in the “Extended Learning Beyond the Classroom” category for her fantastic work on the HIT Squad, you can view her VCT here. She will now be going to the worldwide forum in Greece. Following the awards we danced the night away and sang our way back to the hotel on the coach. A great way to finish off a fantastic week. Thank you Microsoft for giving me such an amazing opportunity!

Kodu and Literacy Primary Project

Today I started my Kodu and Literacy project with children from a local primary school. I began by teaching the children how to use the terrain tools in Kodu to create a world. The goal of the project is for them to design and develop their own literacy-style/storytelling games.

Next week we will be programming characters to talk to each other to form a treasure-hunt style game with the children adding the dialogue between the characters and objects.

Following that they will design and describe their own worlds before making them, then plan their game content and a storyline and characters for the final game. We will conclude the project with the children developing the games they have designed using Kodu.

Throughout the project the children will be blogging about the progress they are making each week. We have made a start already with a class entry written at the end of today’s session. You can check out our blog here.

For more information about the work I have been doing with Kodu, check out my Virtual Classroom Tour that I will be showcasing at the Microsoft European Forum in Lisbon.

BETT 2012

Nicki   January 17, 2012   1 Comment on BETT 2012

Well, I have now recovered from a very enjoyable, and a little exhausting, three days at BETT, although my voice is still a little croaky! As some of you know I was demonstrating Kodu on the Microsoft stand last Wednesday to Friday at the BETT exhibition in London. I really enjoyed the whole experience and it was great to chat to lots of like-minded educators, I’m really pleased with how popular Kodu seems to be and hope lots more teachers start using the software in their classes as it really is fantastic!

For anyone looking to get started using Kodu, it can be downloaded from here. I also made a tutorial video a while back that gives an introduction on how to create a simple game which can be viewed below:

Lastly, if anyone would like to try out some of the sample games I was demonstrating at BETT these can be downloaded using the links below (please note, these are just samples and not fully completed games):

I will be starting my Kodu Olympics competition in school tomorrow so will write another blog post shortly on how that goes.